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NCAA Concussion Settlement: Medical Monitoring Program


Outpatient Services
Neuropsychological Assessment
Psychodiagnostic Assessment
Cross-Cultural / Multi-Lingual Services
Forensic Services
Other Available Services

Neuroscience Associates Inc. is one of a select number of facilities in the U.S. selected to participate in the NCAA Medical Monitoring Program. All former NCAA student-athletes who are eligible for the Medical Monitoring Program can receive free a neuropsychological assessment at no charge to them. This assessment is part of a medical evaluation designed to assess symptoms related to persistent post-concussion syndrome, as well as cognitive, mood, behavioral, and motor problems that may be associated with mid- to late-life onset diseases resulting from concussions and/or subconcussive hits, such as Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy and related disorders.


Brief Description of the NCAA Medical Monitoring Program:

As part of the class action settlement of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Student-Athlete Concussion Injury Litigation, the NCAA has established the Medical Monitoring Program. All persons who played an NCAA-sanctioned sport at an NCAA member institution at any time on or prior to July 15, 2016 and who did not exclude themselves (“opt out”) of the Settlement are eligible for the program (and are referred to as “Eligible Class Members”).  It is not necessary to have sustained a concussion to be part of the program. 


All eligible Class Members are entitled to free online medical screening and, if qualified, free medical evaluations (known as “Medical Monitoring”) up to two times throghout their lifetimes for the next 50 years (until November of 2069). To register for the Program and undergo the online screening, please go to the NCAA Concussion Settlement Medical Monitoring website using this link. The results of the online screening questionnaire will determine eligibility for an in-person Medical Evaluation.


What Does the Medical Evaluation Involve?

The Medical Evaluation for the NCAA Medical Monitoring Program involves a neuropsychological assessment, a neurological exam and ancillary testing as needed.


What Does the Neuropsychological Assessment portion of the Medical Evaluation Involve?

As specified by as part of the NCAA Concussion Settlement, the Neuropsychological Assessment will include a battery of tests and rating scales designed to measure current functioning in several cognitive domains, including attention and psychomotor speed, executive function, memory, language and visuospatial ability, as well as mood symptoms. The Neuropsychological Assessment portion generally takes two to three hours to complete and is conducted by a neuropsychologist. Dr. Lori Holt, our practice co-Director, specializes in these and other sports-related neuropsychological assessments.


What Does the Neurological Exam portion of the Medical Evaluation Involve?

The Neurological Exam includes a mental status examination, cranial nerve, motor system and sensory examinations, and assessments of reflexes and balance. It is conducted by a neurologist and generally requires 30 to 60 minutes. The Neurological Exam can be scheduled on the same day as the Neuropsychological Assessment or on a separate day, and takes place at a neighboring office. Based upon the results of the Neuropsychological Assessment and the Neurology Exam, the neurologist may also order additional testing such as a brain MRI or labwork, which are also paid for by the NCAA Medical Monitoring Program if obtained through the contracted providers.


What Happens to the Results of the Medical Evaluation?

After the Medical Evaluation is completed, the neurologist will provide the results to the Class Member and/or to his/her physician if requested.  The results of the Medical Evaluations will not be shared with the NCAA without the express written consent of the Class Member.


How Often Can I Apply for a Medical Evaluation through the NCAA Medical Monitoring Program?

A Settlement Class Member may complete a Screening Questionnaire not more than once every five (5) years until the age of 50, and then not more than once every two (2) year after the age of 50, unless otherwise permitted on an individual basis by the Settlement’s Medical Science Committee.


How Many Medical Evaluations can I get?

A Settlement Class Member may qualify for up to two (2) Medical Evaluations duirng the 50-year Medical Monitoring period. A third evaluation may be permitted on an individual basis by the Settlement’s Medical Science Committee. A Screening Questionnaire must be completed to qualify for each Medical Evaluation.



How Do I Schedule My Medical Evaluation?

If you are found to qualify for Medical Evaluation based upon the results of your online Screening Questionnaire, you may schedule your Neuropsychological Assessment by calling 310-855-1265 or emailing Info@Neuroscience.LA.  At that time, you will also be assisted in scheduling the Neurology Exam. 



For further information on the NCAA Concussion Settlement and the Medical Monitoring Program, please see the links below:


NCAA Concussion Settlement Medical Monitoring Program website:

Home Page

Frequent Asked Questions (FAQs)

Settlement Registration page

Contact Information for the Program Administrator

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